Felipe Moura de Carvalho
D.Sc Computer Science

Contact Information

Curriculum Vitæ

Hi, I am Felipe. I'm a software developer and researcher, with a specialization in Computer Graphics and 3D Visualization. I studied at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, at The Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering, where I obtained a Ph.D and M.sc in Computer Science, both with emphasis in Computer Graphics.
My interest in Computer Graphics and 3D Visualization comes from its multidisciplinary nature. So far, I have worked with people from different backgrounds from humanities to pure science, researching ways to convey their needs in a visual format: to communicate complex ideas/phenomenons, or explore news ways to visualize the data in other perspectives.
In resume, enhance the user's abilities to think with data and, by that means, amplify cognition and decision making.

Technologies: c/c++, opengl/3D, python, c#, linux, windows, qt, glsl, cmake, cgal, git
Specialties: 3D graphics, 3D visualization, illustrative visualization, gpu programming, computational geometry, mesh processing, point-cloud rendering, cultural heritage

Work Experience

3D Software Engineer - Tecgraf Institute - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
02/2020 - Current

Researcher and developer in the Digital Engineering team. Currently working on 3D Data Exchange using OpenCascade Technology, and also conducting research on information data visualization to aid on decision making for Building Information Modelling in Oil and Gas domain.

Postdoctoral Researcher - University of Calgary - Calgary, AB, Canada
06/2015 - 07/2019

Researcher and developer in the Rapid Reservoir Modelling project. Created the sketch-based interface infrastructure, include a 3D mesh viewer. Integrated the reservoir simulator. Implemented the post processing 3D visualization and the graphical user interface.


Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro,RJ - Brazil
2010 - 2014
Institute Alberto Luiz Coimbra of Graduation and Research in Engineering (COPPE)
D.Sc in Systems Engineering and Computer Science (Computer Graphics)

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro,RJ - Brazil
2007 - 2010
Institute Alberto Luiz Coimbra of Graduation and Research in Engineering (COPPE)
M.Sc in Systems Engineering and Computer Science (Computer Graphics)

Federal University of Piaui - Teresina,PI - Brazil
2003 - 2007
Department of Computer Science and Statistics
B.Sc in Computer Sciences
Final Project: Inteligencia Artificial usando Linguagem Haskell (in portuguese)

Interactive Cutaways of Oil Reservoirs

A reservoir engineer’s job is to understand and predict what cannot be seen or touched. To this end, a number of indirect tools and measurements are required, involving considerable uncertainty. Gather information about the reservoir is a costly and time consuming task. A reservoir model is build to converge all the available data and extrapolate over a 3D geological model, in order to characterize the subsurface environment to be used in numerical simulators. It guides the planning and the production of the field in its whole lifetime. In the Oil and Gas industry, processing and visualizing 3D models is of paramount importance for making exploration and production decisions. To overcome this challenge, I have implemented an interactive Cutaway method, strongly relying on screen-space GPU techniques, specially designed for inspecting 3D reservoir models represented as corner-point grids, the industry’s standard.

The Bamberg Project

The Digital Bamberg project was a joint collaboration between the Computer Graphics Lab at PESC/UFRJ, and the Museum of Astronomy and Related Sciences (MAST). It combined the challenges of creating a digital replica of a scientific instrument, that, at the same time, is part of the museum collection and, hence, is treated as an historical artifact. In the project, I have assisted development and design software and algorithms for the 3D digitization process, which include the acquisition of the 3D geometry, by a laser scanner, and the registration of high quality images, acquired by a professional DSLR camera, of a historic scientific instrument. The process of "clue" all the high quality images in the final scanner model generate most of the output research of the project, that involve image processing and texture registration.

React Bar

In this project, I have Implemented the software prototype ReactBar. A collaborative effort in conjunction with designer, as part of the workshop of Interactive Media and Natural Interfaces promoted by Visgraf at IMPA. The workshop focused on topics related with recent advances in tangible user interfaces (TUI), multitouch interaction, computer graphics, image processing, sound synthesis and new authoring environments. The idea of Reactbar is to use multitouch interaction and tangible interface for entertainment in public spaces, exploring the concept of social networking. It has a simple and intuitive interface, in a fun use experience. It promotes a real interaction among users, starting it in a virtual way.



Zhao Zhang, Sebastian Geiger, Margaret Rood, Carl Jacquemyn, Matthew Jackson, Gary Hampson, Felipe Moura De Carvalho, Clarissa Coda Marques Machado Silva, Julio Daniel Machado Silva, Mario Costa Sousa. Fast flow computation methods on unstructured tetrahedral meshes for rapid reservoir modelling. Computational GeoScience Journal. v. 23, p. 1573-1499, 2019.
Zhao Zhang, Sebastian Geiger, Margaret Rood, Carl Jacquemyn, Matthew Jackson, Gary Hampson, Felipe Moura De Carvalho, Clarissa Coda Marques Machado Silva, Julio Daniel Machado Silva, Mario Costa Sousa. A Tracing Algorithm for Flow Diagnostics on Fully Unstructured Grids With Multipoint Flux Approximation. SPE JOURNAL, v. 22, p. 1946-1962, 2017.
Felipe Moura de Carvalho, Emilio Vital Brazil, Ricardo Guerra Marroquim, Mário Costa Sousa, Antonio Oliveira, Interactive cutaways of oil reservoirs. Graphical Models, v 84, p 1-14, 2016
MARROQUIM, Ricardo, Pfeiffer, Gustavo,CARVALHO, F. M ., Oliveira, Antonio A.F. Texturing 3D models from sequential photos. The Visual Computer. , v.28, p.1 - 11, 2012.
Conference Papers

Zhang Z, Geiger S, Rood M, Jacquemyn C, Jackson M, Hampson G, de Calvalho FM*, Machado Silva CCM*, Machado Silva J*, Costa Sousa M.* (2018). Fast Flow Computation Methods On Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes For Rapid Reservoir Modelling. ECMOR XVI - European Conf. on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery Barcelona, Spain. 2018/09
Zhang Z, Geiger S, Rood M, Jacquemyn C, Jackson MD, Hampson GJ,de Calvalho FM*, Machado Silva CC*, Silva JD*, Costa Sousa M.* (2017b). Flow Diagnostics on Fully Unstructured Grids. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conf. (RSC '17) - Session 12: Fast Simulation Methods and Next-Generation Simulator Development. Montgomery, TX, USA, 2017/02.
MP Rood, M Jackson, G Hampson, EV Brazil, F de Carvalho, C Coda, MC Sousa, Z Zhang, S Geiger. Sketch-based geologic modeling, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2015/12
MARROQUIM, Ricardo, PFEIFFER, G. T.,CARVALHO, F. M. , OLIVEIRA, A. A. F. Texturing 3D models with low geometric features In: XXVI Sibgrapi - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 2011, Maceio. Graphics, Patterns and Images (Sibgrapi). , 2011. p.1 - 8
FILHO, Z., CARVALHO, F. M., BRAZIL, E. A. V., MARROQUIM, Ricardo, SOUSA, M. C. Cutaway Applied to Corner Point Models In: SIBGRAPI 2012 - WGARI (Workshop on Industry Applications), 2012, Ouro Preto. SIBGRAPI 2012 - WGARI (Workshop on Industry Applications). , 2012.
Poster with selection committee

MARROQUIM, Ricardo, CARVALHO, F. M. , DELLEPIANE, Matteo, OLIVEIRA, A. A. F. 3D Digitalization of Scientific Instruments The Case of the Bamberg Meridian Circle In: XXXI Symposium of the Scientific Instrument Commission, 2012, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings of the XXXI Symposium of the Scientific Instrument Commission.
André Maximo, Maria Paula Saba, Joana Passi, Ricardo Castañeda Marin, Fernando Ribeiro, Rodolfo Lima, Alexandra Alves, Patrik Matos, Erick Passos, Nina Paim, Felipe Moura, Luisa Fosco, Ilana Paterman, Marcelo CIcconet, and Luiz Velho Interactive Media and Natural Interfaces In: Electronic Language International Festival, 2009, São Paulo. FILE SYMPOSIUM. , 2009
CARVALHO, F. M.; OLIVEIRA, A. A. F ; MARROQUIM, Ricardo . Level of Detail for Point Model Rendering. In: XXI Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 2008, Campo Grande. Proceedings of the XXI SIBGRAPI, 2008.